Duncan Pattinson Business Transformation
Duncan Pattinson - A Model for Change

A Model for Change

DP Business Transformation recommends using an Interim Manager to follow a step by step process to manage change as a progressive and continously improving experience which has positive benefits for all stakeholders.

To make change work positively for you, you first need to thoroughly understand what you want to achieve and how you are proposing to do it. There are many steps on the journey of change, and they have been identified and listed.

Kotter’s eight step change model

One widely used step-list is Kotter’s well-known eight step change model, which can be summarised as follows:

  • Engage and inspire people to progress and make objectives that are real and relevant.
  • Get the right people in place with commitment and the right mix of skills and levels.
  • Get the team to establish a simple vision and strategy, drive service and efficiency.
  • Involve all stakeholders, listen to them, use their words and ideas and explain the parameters of change simply and clearly. Ensure technology works for you rather than against you.
  • Identify and remove obstacles, enable constructive feedback and ensure support from colleagues, reward and recognise progress and achievements.
  • Set aims that are easy to achieve and are manageable. Create stepping stones of achievement and celebrate completion before moving to the next step.
  • Foster and encourage determination and persistence.
  • Reinforce the value of successful change via recruitment, promotion, new change mentors. Continuous improvement paves the way for future success.

The only step which Kotter omitted is the DP Business Transformation step:

Complete every step Keep going — there is no short cut!

Lisa Randall said...

Exploration of ideas beyond what we know with certainty are what leads to progress.

Lisa Randall, born 18 June 1962, is one of today’s most influential and highly cited theoretical physicists and a leading expert on particle physics